Updating State with React's setState Callback

state management

In React, when updating state based on the previous state, it's recommended to use the setState function with a callback.

The reason is that setState is asynchronous, which can lead to unexpected results when you update the state multiple times in a row. Using a callback ensures that the updates are executed in the correct order.

Here's an example:

this.setState(prevState => ({ counter: prevState.counter + 1, }));

In this case, prevState is the state at the time the update is applied, ensuring a reliable state update.

Remember, return a new object to avoid mutating the original state. Avoid this common pitfall to ensure your React apps stay bug-free and efficient.

Happy coding!

this.setState(prevState => { prevState.counter++; // Don't do this! });

These are some simple yet powerful techniques to master React state management.

Keep experimenting and happy coding! You can find me at @samuellawrentz on X.

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