Frontend Flexibility - Key Hacks for MicroFrontends

web development

MicroFrontends is a design approach that divides a monolithic frontend app into smaller, more manageable pieces. Here are some key hacks to maximize its use:

1. Consistent Design System: Ensure a consistent look and feel across your micro apps. Consider using a shared design system or library.

// Use shared components from a design system import { Button } from 'shared-design-system';

2. Decoupled Deployment: Deploy your micro apps independently. It speeds up the development process and reduces the risk of breaking changes.

# Example of deploying a micro app npm run deploy:micro-app

3. Communication: Establish effective communication between your micro apps. Use CustomEvents, Redux or even Context API for state management, depending on the complexity.

// Using CustomEvents for communication window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('eventName', { detail: 'data' }));

4. Use React: React's component-based architecture fits well with the MicroFrontends approach.

// A simple React component import React from 'react'; const MyComponent = () => <div>Hello, MicroFrontend!</div>; export default MyComponent;

Remember, the idea is to break down the complexities by dividing the application into smaller parts. Happy coding!

Keep experimenting and happy coding! You can find me at @samuellawrentz on X.

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